Friday, February 12, 2010


Some of our customers still doubting the prices and packeges we provide. After the revolution meeting with the commitee, here are the official packages for hamsters... Squeak...squeak...

Package A:
= 1 hamsty + 1 small cage + 1 white wood shave + 1 feed

Package B:
= 1 hamsty + 1 big cage + 1 white wood shave + 1 feed
= RM60

Package C:
= 2 hamsties + 1 small cage + 1 white wood shave + 1 feed
= RM45

Package D:
= 2 hamsties + 1 big cage + 2 wood shaves + 1 feed
= RM75

Package E:
=2 hamsties + 2 big cages + 1 large wood shave + 1 feed
= RM118

Package F:
=3 hamsties + 1 big cages + 1 large wood shave + 2 feeds

*P/s: Please make sure you make orders at least 2 days before purchase, we'll contact you for further infomation or availability of the packages...

HAMSTER archive:

Their age around 2 weeks in this pic...

Handle them with care and love~

*Regarding the care of hamsters, diseases related and how to overcome them will post in next entry... or try to check an expert friend's entry regarding hamster... here

BETTA splendens

As for betta fish, our Betta fish department still in the process of trying to make them ideally breed, the attemptions to breed them ended in failures due to certain unexplainable reasons... We hope our customers be pateint, we really apologize with the unsatisfied demands from you... We'll doing research on this and Im sure we'll get this done in this month... Thank you~


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